New Book: Love Letters to the Park

New book now available on

More than 125 park visitors recently put fingers to keyboards and shared their love for Chavez Park and their opposition to the Berkeley Marina Area Specific Plan (BMASP) proposals for commercial development in the park.

These letters and comments, together with key articles in Berkeleyside and on the website, are collected in this new volume, Love Letters to the Park: Public Response to the Berkeley Marina Area Specific Plan 9BMASP) April-July 2022. It was my pleasure to put these documents together with a short preface as a written record of the powerful wave of pushback against the BMASP commercialization plans. Available as a paperback now on here.

I expect to have a supply of paperbacks in hand by the second week of August as an offering at the Chavez Park Conservancy kiosk in the park. If your contribution is included in the book, you can pick up a free copy at the table. (Because of postage charges we cannot mail free copies.) Check the PDF copy of the book below to see if you’re in it.

The shrinking pool of BMASP supporters claim that the public supports commercialization of the park. This volume refutes that fallacy. For every individual who wrote something there are probably ten who agree and co-author the writing in spirit.

This volume is sold at cost as a way of spreading the message, not as a fundraiser. A free look at the entire book in PDF format is below. There is a table of contents and an index. To find out if your contribution is in the book, the quickest way is to check the index first.

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