Mt. Tam Sunset

Sunset behind Mt. Tam 8/22/2019. Photo by Russell Bass.

Russell Bass, a frequent park visitor, shot this image with his cellphone camera on one of the rare days when the sun sets directly behind Mt. Tam, when viewed from the northwest corner of the park. On this evening the light haze, helped probably by the camera lens, produced these dramatic rings; they almost look like a nuclear event. But there was no harm done. Moments later the spectacle vanished.

2 thoughts on “Mt. Tam Sunset

  • It’s really wonderful.
    Best wishes from another collector of sunsets.

    For goodness sake. Above is all I am trying to say, or at least, all I was trying to say.

    The computer is interfering with nature. The computer first said I had to say something, after I already had written something very similar if not exactly the same. I think the computer was offended that I allowed the machine to reproduce my last name and email address. The offense is probably that I could thus be a robot. In any event, I responded. i typed in the same information, at which point the machine demanded a comment. I recreated the comment. When I clicked “post comment” this time, the machine castigasted me for a duplicase comment. I am not smart enough – meaning, of course, that I am not young enough — to solve that problem, except with this laborious response.

    In any event, I love sunsets, too, and that is a glorious one over Tamalpais.

  • It’s really wonderful.
    Best wishes from another collector of sunsets.

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