Jackrabbit in the Owl Preserve


No Burrowing Owls were spotted this winter in the preserve set aside for their protection in the northeast corner of the park, but this jackrabbit — make that plural — felt secure enough shortly before sunset to spend some time in the grass there munching on a favorite herb and taking care of its important ears.  I’ve seen a jackrabbit in this area before, several times, and it’s pretty clear that it has a burrow there, behind a big bush.  I’ve not seen it at rest before, unconcerned with me and others on the perimeter trail watching it.  When done with its munching and scratching, it hopped a few yards north and stopped again, partly hidden by the grass.  Then, a few feet to the south, out popped a second set of jackrabbit ears!  Chances are that the jackrabbit population in this corner of the park is going to grow.

These jackrabbits are known technically as Black-tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus californicus).  They’re said to be very common all over the Western United States.  Read more in Wikipedia.

Two sets of jackrabbit ears stick out above the grass

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