Artists, Writer Visit Park

Two aspiring artists from Oakland and a modest writer from El Cerrito were among park visitors who enjoyed the sunny afternoon at Cesar Chavez Park on New Year’s Day.

Eunice Kwon and Hanni Hanson said they were just drawing for fun.  But they had top-quality drawing pads and a serious gleam in their eyes as they sketched the Golden Gate Bridge from a bench on the northwest vision point in the park.

The writer from El Cerrito modestly denied that he was writing for publication. “Just trying to put my thoughts down on paper.”  Of course, that’s what all writers say, isn’t it.

Temperatures on the west side of the park were unseasonably mild, partly due to the fact that the cold breeze was blowing from the northeast and the west side was relatively sheltered.  Kite fliers stood with their backs to the northeast instead of to the west, as is normal, given the prevailing westerly winds.

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